Monday, September 15, 2008

Breast-feeding positions

Breast-feeding illustration showing cross-cradle hold

Breast-feeding: Cross-cradle hold

Breast-feeding can be awkward at first. Experiment with various positions until you feel comfortable.

The cross-cradle hold is ideal for early breast-feeding. Sit up straight in a comfortable chair with armrests. Hold your baby crosswise in the crook of the arm opposite the breast you're feeding from — left arm for right breast, right arm for left. Support the baby's trunk and head with your forearm and palm. Place your other hand beneath your breast in a U-shaped hold to guide the baby's mouth to your breast. Don't bend over or lean forward. Instead, cradle your baby close to your breast.

Illustration of woman breast-feeding with cradle hold

Breast-feeding: Cradle hold

The cradle hold is similar to the cross-cradle hold, but you support the baby with the arm on the same side as the nursing breast, rather than the opposite arm. As with the cross-cradle hold, sit up straight — preferably in a chair with armrests. Cradle your baby and rest his or her head in the crook of your elbow while he or she faces your breast. For extra support, place a pillow on your lap

Illustration of woman breast-feeding with football hold

Breast-feeding: Football hold

Another option is the football hold. This position may be a good choice if you're recovering from a C-section, you have large breasts or you're nursing two babies at once.

Hold your baby at your side, with your elbow bent. With your open hand, support your baby's head and face him or her toward your breast. Your baby's back will rest on your forearm. It may help to support your breast in a C-shaped hold with your other hand. For comfort, put a pillow on your lap and use a chair with broad, low arms.

Illustration of woman breast-feeding with side-lying hold

Breast-feeding: Side-lying hold

A lying position may help your baby latch onto your breast correctly in the early days of breast-feeding, especially after a C-section. It's also a good choice when you're tired.

Lie on your side and face your baby toward your breast, supporting him or her with the hand of the arm you're resting on. With your other arm and hand, grasp your breast and then touch your nipple to your baby's lips. Once your baby latches on, use the bottom arm to support your own head and your top hand and arm to help support the baby.

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