Friday, September 12, 2008

To prevent a relapse, remember the 4 D's

When quitting tobacco use, cravings are just part of the game. Most people experience them in some form or another with varying frequency and intensity.

When going through the quit process watch out for these four main triggers to relapse: Hunger, Anger, Loneliness, Tiredness. So, when cravings pop up, remember to H.A.L.T. Stop for a moment and check in on how you're feeling. Pay attention to what you need.

It is important to have some strategies to deal with cravings when they strike. One must have a "fire plan," a way to escape urges without falling back into the flames of tobacco use. A few easy tricks to remember are the 4 D's:

  • Delay — do not respond to your cravings, but wait for them to pass.
  • Distract — in order to help cravings pass more quickly, get your mind engaged in something else.
  • Drink water — drinking water can help by giving you something to hold in your hands and put in your mouth.
  • Deep breathe — taking slow, deep breaths not only helps calm you, it also mimics the motion your body goes through when you smoke. This can help you to feel more comfortable when combating urges by minimizing "missing" the cigarette.

On holiday weekends and other special occasions when you might be in high-risk situations, think of specific ways in which you can maintain your independence from tobacco. Plan ahead. Have substitutes handy. Limit alcohol use or avoid it all together. If you are attending events where other smokers are present, try to stick with the non-smokers. Find ways to remove yourself from tempting situations and be in touch with a support person when needed.

By Jennifer A. Kern, M.S., C.T.T.S.

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