Friday, September 05, 2008

Exercise for weight loss: Calories burned in 1 hour

Being active — either through physical activity or through a formal exercise program — is an essential component of a weight-loss program. When you're active, your body uses energy (calories) to work, helping to burn the calories you take in with food you eat.

Whatever activity you choose, the key is to commit to doing it regularly. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity most days of the week. Moderately intense activity or exercise should increase your heart and breathing rates and possibly lead to a light sweat.

This chart shows the estimated number of calories burned while performing a variety of exercises for one hour. Calorie expenditure varies widely depending on the exercise, intensity level and individual.

Activity (one-hour duration)Weight of person and calories burned
160 pounds (73 kilograms)200 pounds (91 kilograms)240 pounds (109 kilograms)
Aerobics, high impact 511 637 763
Aerobics, low impact 365 455 545
Aerobics, water 292 364 436
Backpacking 511 637 763
Basketball game 584 728 872
Bicycling, <> 292 364 436
Bowling 219 273 327
Canoeing 256 319 382
Dancing, ballroom 219 273 327
Football, touch, flag, general 584 728 872
Golfing, carrying clubs 329 410 491
Hiking 438 546 654
Ice skating 511 637 763
Jogging, 5 mph 584 728 872
Racquetball, casual, general 511 637 763
Rollerblading 913 1,138 1,363
Rope jumping 730 910 1,090
Rowing, stationary 511 637 763
Running, 8 mph 986 1,229 1,472
Skiing, cross-country 511 637 763
Skiing, downhill 365 455 545
Skiing, water 438 546 654
Softball or baseball 365 455 545
Stair treadmill 657 819 981
Swimming, laps 511 637 763
Tae kwon do 730 910 1,090
Tai chi 292 364 436
Tennis, singles 584 728 872
Volleyball 292 364 436
Walking, 2 mph 183 228 273
Walking, 3.5 mph 277 346 414
Weightlifting, free weight, Nautilus or universal type 219 273 327

Source: Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Whitt MC, Irwin ML, Swartz AM, Strath SJ, O'Brien, WL, Bassett DR Jr, Schmitz KH, Emplaincourt PO, Jacobs DR Jr, Leon AS. Compendium of physical activities: an update of activity codes and MET intensities. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2000 Sep;32(9 Suppl):S498-504.

Weight loss: 6 strategies for success

Make your weight-loss goals a reality. Follow these proven strategies.

You probably know that hundreds of different fad diets, weight-loss programs and outright scams promise quick and easy weight loss. But the foundation of every successful weight-loss program still remains a healthy diet combined with exercise. You must make permanent changes in your lifestyle and health habits to lose significant weight and keep it off.

How do you make those permanent changes? Follow these six strategies.

1. Make a commitment

Permanent weight loss takes time and effort. It requires focus and a lifelong commitment. Make sure that you're ready to make permanent changes and that you do so for the right reasons.

No one else can make you lose weight. In fact, external pressure — often from people closest to you — may make matters worse. You must undertake diet and exercise changes to please yourself.

As you're planning new weight-related lifestyle changes, try to resolve any other problems in your life. It takes a lot of mental and physical energy to change your habits. So make sure you aren't distracted by other major life issues, such as marital or financial problems. Timing is key to success. Ask yourself if you're ready to take on the challenges of serious weight loss.

2. Get emotional support

Only you can help yourself lose weight by taking responsibility for your own behavior. But that doesn't mean that you have to do everything alone. Seek support when needed from your partner, family and friends.

Pick people who you know want only the best for you and who will encourage you. Ideally, find people who will listen to your concerns and feelings, spend time exercising with you, and share the priority you've placed on developing a healthier lifestyle.

3. Set a realistic goal

When you're considering what to expect from your new eating and exercise plan, be realistic. Healthy weight loss occurs slowly and steadily. Aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. To do this, you need to burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than you consume each day through a low-calorie diet and regular exercise. Losing weight more rapidly means losing water weight or muscle tissue, rather than fat.

Make your goals "process goals," such as exercising regularly, rather than "outcome goals," such as losing 50 pounds. Changing your process — your habits — is the key to weight loss. Make sure that your process goals are realistic, specific and measurable, for example, you'll walk for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

4. Enjoy healthier foods

Adopting a new eating style that promotes weight loss must include lowering your total calorie intake. But decreasing calories need not mean giving up taste, satisfaction or even ease of meal preparation. One way you can lower your calorie intake is by eating more plant-based foods — fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Strive for variety to help you achieve your goals without giving up taste or nutrition. Cutting back on calories is easier if you focus on limiting fat.

To lose weight, talk to your doctor about setting these daily calorie goals:

Your current weight in pounds Daily calorie goal
Women Men
250 or less 1,200 1,400
251 to 300 1,400 1,600
301 or more 1,600 1,800

Very low calorie diets aren't a healthy long-term strategy. Fewer than 1,200 calories a day for women and 1,400 calories for men aren't generally recommended. If your calories are too low, you run the risk of not getting all of the nutrients you need for good health.

5. Get active, stay active

Dieting alone can help you lose weight. Cutting 250 calories from your daily diet can help you lose about half a pound a week: 3,500 calories equals 1 pound of fat. But add a 30-minute brisk walk four days a week, and you can double your rate of weight loss.

The goal of exercise for weight loss is to burn more calories, although exercise offers many other benefits as well. How many calories you burn depends on the frequency, duration and intensity of your activities. One of the best ways to lose body fat is through steady aerobic exercise — such as walking — for more than 30 minutes most days of the week.

Even though regularly scheduled aerobic exercise is best for losing fat, any extra movement helps burn calories. Lifestyle activities may be easier to fit into your day. Think about ways you can increase your physical activity throughout the day. For example, make several trips up and down stairs instead of using the elevator, or park at the far end of the lot.

6. Change your lifestyle

It's not enough to eat healthy foods and exercise for only a few weeks or even several months. You have to include these behaviors into your life. To do that, you have to change the behaviors that helped make you overweight in the first place. Lifestyle changes start with taking an honest look at your eating habits and daily routine.

After assessing your personal challenges to weight loss, try working out a strategy to gradually change habits and attitudes that have sabotaged your past efforts. Simply admitting your own challenges won't get you past them entirely. But it helps in planning how you'll deal with them and whether you're going to succeed in losing weight once and for all.

You likely will have an occasional setback. But instead of giving up entirely, simply start fresh the next day. Remember that you're planning to change your life. It won't happen all at once, but stick to your healthy lifestyle and the results will be worth it.

Vitamins, family style: What to take when One multi doesn't fit all; here's how to make sure you get what you need

By Jenny Stamos Kovacs
updated 8:46 a.m. ET Sept. 3, 2008

You probably have no interest in wearing your daughter's up-to-here skirt or your son's down-to-there baggy jeans. Well, fashion isn't the only area in which a "do" for one family member can be a "don't" for another — you, your husband, your kids, and your parents all have surprisingly different requirements when it comes to nutrition, says Connie Weaver, PhD, head of the nutrition department at Purdue University.

In fact, one may need a supplement that another should avoid. Because one size doesn't fit all, here's a guide to the shortfalls that occur at different ages — and the best ways to fill them for young, old, and in-between.

Your Preteen or Teen Needs:

Why? "You get one chance in your lifetime to build a strong skeleton — and that time is adolescence," says Roberta Anding, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. But kids typically get far less than the daily 1,300 mg of calcium they need.

Food Or Supplements? Food. Dietary calcium helps teens gain more bone mass than supplements do because it's easier to absorb, says Dawn Jackson Blatner, a Chicago-based RD.

Try This: "Teens often skip milk in favor of soda and juice, so limit sugary drinks to one a day," says Malena Perdomo, RD. Serve milk at every meal or stock up on calcium-rich snacks like low-fat yogurt or string cheese.

Why? The nutrient is essential: Kids with a deficiency are 2 ½ times more likely to have low math scores. Girls, who lose iron during their periods, need 15 mg daily; boys need 11 mg.

Food Or Supplements? Food. Never dispense iron pills without your doctor's okay — high doses can be toxic.

Try This: Give your teen a morning boost with fortified breakfast cereals; most pack 4 to 8 mg of iron per serving. To help absorption, pair high-iron foods with ones rich in vitamin C, such as black beans (a great vegetarian source of the mineral) and bell peppers.

To Rethink Folic Acid
Why? This vitamin seems like such a do-gooder: It helps prevent birth defects, and studies suggest that it could help adults lower heart disease risk. But recently, researchers raised the possibility that excess folic acid may increase the danger of colon cancer. Answers aren't in, but some experts say that only women of childbearing age should take 400 mcg daily — the amount in most multivitamins. Other healthy adults should pick one with lower amounts.

Food Or Supplements? Food. It's still important to get folate (the natural form of folic acid) in your diet.

Try This: Put beans and dark green veggies high on your shopping list: One cup of cooked lentils contains nearly 100% of your day's folate requirement.

Vitamin D
Why: Increasing numbers of studies suggest that it can reduce your risk of several cancers by 30 to 50% and lower your risk of death from any cause. Yet up to 74% of Americans don't have optimal blood levels of the vitamin.

Food Or Supplements? Supplements. Your body produces D from sunshine, but if you live in the northern United States, the sun isn't strong enough in the winter for you to synthesize adequate amounts. Vitamin D is found naturally in few foods.

Try This: Take up to 1,000 IU per day and look for D3 — the kind skin makes from sunlight.

Your Parents Need:

Vitamin B12
Why? B vitamins promote a healthy immune system and may keep memory sharp. But up to 40% of older adults suffer from a B12 deficiency, found a study from New York Medical College.

Food Or Supplements? Both. Synthetic B12 in supplements and fortified food is easier to absorb.

Try This: People over age 50 should get 2.4 mcg of B12 daily in a supplement or eat at least one serving of fortified foods, the Institute of Medicine reports. If your parents take antacids or medications for ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), they'll need to tack on an extra 100 to 400 mcg a day in supplement form.

Calcium + Vitamin D
Why? Many people think osteoporosis is a woman's disease, but 2 million men have it, too. Your parents should aim for 1,200 mg of calcium daily, coupled with up to 1,000 IU of vitamin D for absorption.

Food Or Supplements? Both. Unlike teens, who metabolize dietary calcium more efficiently and probably do more bone-building exercise, older people are better off getting some of their calcium in a pill, Perdomo says.

Try This: For maximum absorption, your parents should choose a supplement with calcium citrate on the label and take separate doses of 500 mg or less at a time with food.

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Home pregnancy tests: Can you trust the results?

Could you be pregnant? Here are the answers to common questions about home pregnancy tests.

Is your period late? Are you nauseated or fatigued? Are your breasts tender? It might be time to consider a home pregnancy test.

Regardless of the circumstances, home pregnancy tests can be nerve-racking. To quell your anxiety, find out how home pregnancy tests work, what can affect the results and when to visit the doctor.

How do home pregnancy tests detect pregnancy?

Shortly after the fertilized egg attaches to your uterine lining, your body begins to produce the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Home pregnancy tests — available without a prescription at most grocery stores and drugstores — can reliably detect this hormone in your urine one week after a missed period. A more sensitive blood test to detect HCG can be done earlier in the doctor's office.

Are there different types of home pregnancy tests?

Various types of home pregnancy tests are available, but most work in a similar way. Typically, you'll place the end of a dipstick in your urine stream or immerse the dipstick in a container of collected urine for five to ten seconds. A minute or two later, you'll see a plus or minus sign, a line, a color change or the words "pregnant" or "not pregnant" on a strip or window on the dipstick.

With some tests, you'll mix a small amount of collected urine with a special liquid or powder. If the urine changes color, the test is positive.

Instructions may vary slightly from kit to kit. Read the instructions carefully before you take the test. If you have questions about how to do the test or interpret the results, call the manufacturer. Look for a toll-free number in the package instructions.

When should I take a home pregnancy test?

Many home pregnancy tests can be taken as early as the first day of a missed period. For the most accurate results, it's best to wait until one week after a missed period.

How accurate are the results?

Many home pregnancy tests claim to be 99 percent accurate on the day you miss your period. Although research suggests that most home pregnancy tests don't consistently spot pregnancy this early, the tests are considered reliable when used according to package instructions one week after a missed period. If you need to know earlier, ask your doctor about a blood test.

Could a positive result be wrong?

Rarely, it's possible to get a positive result from a home pregnancy test when you're not actually pregnant. This is known as a false-positive.

You may get a false-positive if you have traces of blood or protein in your urine. Various prescription drugs — including diuretics and promethazine (used to treat allergy symptoms and nausea) — also can cause a false-positive result. Using an expired or damaged test kit may have the same effect.

Could a negative result be wrong?

More commonly, you can get a negative result from a home pregnancy test when you're actually pregnant. This is known as a false-negative. You may get a false-negative if you:

  • Take the test too early. Wait to take the test until your period is at least one day late.That's the earliest most home pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy. For the most accurate results, take the test one week after a missed period.
  • Time the test wrong. If you're collecting urine, do the test within 15 minutes of collecting the sample. And be sure to give the test time to work — but not too much time. You may want to set a timer according to the package instructions.
  • Use diluted urine. Drinking too much fluid before taking the test may cause a false-negative result. For the most accurate results, take the test first thing in the morning — when your urine is the most concentrated.

If your period hasn't started within a week after a negative home pregnancy test, repeat the test.

What happens next?

If your home pregnancy test is positive — or if you've taken a few home pregnancy tests and gotten mixed results — make an appointment with your doctor, nurse practitioner or midwife. You may need a blood test or pelvic exam to confirm your pregnancy. The sooner your pregnancy is confirmed, the sooner you can begin prenatal care.

If your home pregnancy test is still negative two weeks after a missed period, check with your doctor. Many things can cause missed periods, including illness, stress, excessive exercise and hormonal imbalances. Your doctor can help you get your menstrual cycle back on track.

By Mayo Clinic Staff
Nov. 3, 2006

Pregnancy nutrition: Foods to avoid

Eating healthy foods is only part of pregnancy nutrition. It's equally important to avoid harmful foods.

You want what's best for your baby. That's why you add sliced fruit to your fortified breakfast cereal, sneak extra veggies into your favorite recipes and eat yogurt for dessert. But when it comes to pregnancy nutrition, did you know that what you don't eat and drink may be just as important as what you do?

Start with the basics. Knowing what to avoid can help you make the healthiest choices for you and your baby.


Seafood can be a great source of protein and iron, and the omega-3 fatty acids in many fish can help promote your baby's brain development. In fact, a British study suggests that skimping on seafood during pregnancy may contribute to poor verbal skills, behavioral problems and other developmental issues during childhood. However, some fish and shellfish contain potentially dangerous levels of mercury. Too much mercury may damage your baby's developing nervous system.

The bigger and older the fish, the more mercury it may contain. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) encourages pregnant women to avoid:

  • Swordfish
  • Shark
  • King mackerel
  • Tilefish

So what's safe? Some types of seafood contain little mercury. Although concerns have been raised about the level of mercury in any type of canned tuna, the FDA says you can safely eat up to 12 ounces a week (two average meals) of:

  • Shrimp
  • Canned light tuna (limit albacore tuna and tuna steak to no more than 6 ounces a week)
  • Salmon
  • Pollock
  • Catfish

To avoid ingesting harmful bacteria or viruses, avoid raw fish and shellfish — especially oysters and clams — and anything caught in polluted water. Refrigerated smoked seafood is also off-limits, unless it's an ingredient in a casserole or other cooked dish.

Most fish should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 F. The fish is done when it separates into flakes and appears opaque throughout. Cook shrimp, lobster and scallops until they're milky white. Cook clams, mussels and oysters until their shells open. Discard any that don't open.

Meat and poultry

During pregnancy, changes in your metabolism and circulation may increase the risk of bacterial food poisoning. Your reaction may be more severe than if you weren't pregnant. Rarely, your baby may get sick, too.

To prevent food-borne illness, fully cook all meats and poultry before eating. Look for the juices to run clear, but use a meat thermometer to make sure. Skip medium or rare burgers and sausages. Be careful with hot dogs and deli meats, too. These are sources of a rare but potentially serious food-borne illness known as listeriosis. Cook hot dogs and heat deli meats until they're steaming hot — or avoid them completely.

Dairy products

Dairy products such as skim milk, mozzarella cheese and cottage cheese can be a healthy part of your diet. But anything containing unpasteurized milk is a no-no. These products may lead to food-borne illness.

Unless these soft cheeses are clearly labeled as being made with pasteurized milk, don't eat:

  • Brie
  • Feta
  • Camembert
  • Blue cheese
  • Mexican-style cheeses, such as queso blanco, queso fresco, queso de hoja, queso de crema and queso asadero


Caffeine can cross the placenta and affect your baby's heart rate and breathing. Some studies suggest that drinking too much caffeine may be associated with a small decrease in birth weight or an increased risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. Other studies haven't reported the same risks.

Because of the unknowns, your health care provider may recommend avoiding caffeine during the first trimester and limiting the amount of caffeine you drink to less than 300 milligrams a day during the second and third trimesters.

Herbal tea

Although herbal tea may be soothing, avoid it unless your health care provider says it's OK — even the types of herbal tea marketed specifically to pregnant women. There's little data on the effects of specific herbs on developing babies. And large amounts of some herbal teas, such as red raspberry leaf, may cause contractions.


One drink isn't likely to hurt your baby, but no level of alcohol has been proved safe during pregnancy. The safest bet is to avoid alcohol entirely.

Consider the risks. Mothers who drink alcohol have a higher risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. Excessive alcohol consumption may result in fetal alcohol syndrome, which can cause facial deformities, heart problems, low birth weight and mental retardation. Even moderate drinking can impact your baby's brain development.

If you're concerned because you drank alcohol before you knew you were pregnant or you think you need help to stop drinking, talk with your health care provider.

Male infertility


An estimated 10 percent to 15 percent of couples are classified as infertile, which means that they've been trying to get pregnant with frequent, unprotected intercourse for at least a year with no success.

In about half the cases, male infertility is a factor. Causes of male infertility include abnormal sperm production or function, impaired delivery of sperm, general health and lifestyle issues, and exposure to certain environmental factors.

Even if male infertility is a factor, the female partner also may have something going on that interferes with conception. You and your partner may both need treatment to achieve pregnancy. But don't get discouraged. A number of tests and treatment options make it possible to diagnose and overcome most causes of male infertility.


The main sign of male infertility is the inability for couples to get pregnant. There may be no other obvious signs or symptoms of male infertility. However, if male infertility is caused by a hormonal problem, you may have signs and symptoms such as reduced hair growth on your face or body, or a low sex drive.


Male fertility is a complex process that involves many factors, including the release of hormones that trigger the growth of reproductive organs and the production of sperm. To get his partner pregnant, a man must be able to deliver healthy sperm into the vagina that are able to reach, penetrate and fertilize a woman's egg.
  • Sperm must be properly shaped and able to move toward the egg for fertilization to occur. If the shape and structure (morphology) of the sperm are abnormal or the movement (motility) is impaired, sperm may not be able to reach or penetrate the egg.
  • There has to be enough sperm in the semen to make pregnancy likely. A normal sperm concentration is greater than or equal to 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen. A count of 10 million or fewer sperm per milliliter of semen indicates low sperm concentration (subfertility). Rarely, a man is unable to produce any sperm at all.

Your doctor may use number of tests to try to determine exactly what's causing the problem. In about half the cases of male infertility, an exact cause is never found. But even when the cause isn't entirely clear, treatment may still help. Causes of male fertility include impaired sperm production or function, impaired sperm delivery, lifestyle, and environmental exposure.

Impaired production or function of sperm
A number of specific conditions can cause problems with sperm:

  • Varicocele. A varicocele is a swollen vein in the scrotum that may prevent normal cooling of the testicle, leading to reduced sperm count and motility.
  • Undescended testicle. Undescended testicle occurs when one or both testicles fail to descend from the abdomen into the scrotum during fetal development. Because the testicles are exposed to the higher internal body temperature, compared with the temperature in the scrotum, sperm production may be affected.
  • Testosterone deficiency (male hypogonadism). Infertility can result from disorders of the testicles themselves, or an abnormality affecting the glands in the brain that produce hormones that control the testicles (the hypothalamus or pituitary glands).
  • Chromosome defects. Inherited disorders of the testes such as Klinefelter's syndrome — in which a male is born with two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome instead of one X and one Y — cause abnormal development of the testicles.
  • Infections. Infection may temporarily affect how your sperm moves. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, are most often associated with male infertility. These infections can cause scarring and block sperm passage. If mumps, a viral infection usually affecting young children, occurs after puberty, inflammation of the testicles can impair sperm production. Inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), urethra or epididymis also may alter sperm motility.
  • Hormonal disorders. These conditions, such as congenital GnRH deficiency (Kallmann syndrome), affect the release of hormones needed for sexual development or sperm production.

Impaired delivery of sperm
Problems with the delivery of sperm from the penis into the vagina can result in infertility. Examples of problems that can interfere with sperm delivery include:

  • Sexual issues. Often treatable, problems with sexual intercourse or technique may affect fertility. Difficulties with erection of the penis (erectile dysfunction), premature ejaculation, painful intercourse (dyspareunia), or psychological or relationship problems can contribute to infertility.
  • Blockage of epididymis or vas deferens. Some men are born with blockage of the part of the testicle that stores sperm (epididymis), or have a blockage of the tube that carries sperm (vas deferens) from the testicle out to the penis.
  • Retrograde ejaculation. This occurs when semen enters the bladder during orgasm rather than emerging out through the penis. Various conditions can cause retrograde ejaculation, including diabetes, bladder, prostate or urethral surgery, and the use of certain medications.
  • No semen (ejaculate). The absence of ejaculate may occur in men with spinal cord injuries or diseases. This fluid carries the sperm from the penis into the vagina.
  • Misplaced urinary opening (hypospadias). A birth defect can cause the urinary (urethral) opening to be abnormally located on the underside of the penis. If not surgically corrected, this condition can prevent sperm from reaching the woman's cervix.
  • Anti-sperm antibodies. Antibodies that target sperm and weaken or disable them usually occur after surgical blockage of part of the vas deferens for male sterilization (vasectomy). Presence of these antibodies may cause infertility.
  • Cystic fibrosis. Men with cystic fibrosis often have a missing or obstructed vas deferens.

General health and lifestyle
A man's general health and lifestyle may affect fertility. Some common causes of infertility related to health and lifestyle include:

  • Alcohol and drugs. Alcohol or drug dependency can cause reduced fertility. Anabolic steroids, for example, which are taken to stimulate muscle strength and growth, can cause the testicles to shrink and sperm production to decrease. Use of cocaine or marijuana may temporarily reduce the number and quality of your sperm.
  • Tobacco smoking. Men who smoke may have a lower sperm count than do those who don't smoke. Secondhand smoke also may affect male fertility.
  • Emotional stress. Stress may interfere with certain hormones needed to produce sperm. Your sperm count may be affected if you experience excessive or prolonged emotional stress. A problem with fertility itself can sometimes become long term and discouraging, producing more stress. Infertility can affect social relationships and your sex life.
  • Other medical conditions. A severe injury, major surgery or cancer can affect male fertility. Certain diseases or conditions, such as kidney disease, cirrhosis, sickle cell anemia and celiac disease can interfere with normal sperm production.
  • Age. A gradual decline in fertility is common in men older than 35.
  • Malnutrition. Deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin C, selenium, zinc and folate may contribute to infertility.
  • Obesity. Being overweight can cause hormone changes that reduce male fertility.

Environmental exposure
Overexposure to certain environmental elements such as heat, toxins and chemicals can reduce sperm production or function. Specific causes include:

  • Pesticides and other chemicals. Herbicides and insecticides may cause female hormone-like effects in the male body and may be associated with reduced sperm production and testicular cancer. Lead exposure also may cause infertility.
  • Overheating the testicles. Frequent use of saunas or hot tubs can temporarily impair your sperm production and lower your sperm count. Sitting for long periods or wearing tight clothing also may increase the temperature in your scrotum and reduce sperm production.
  • Exposure to radiation or X-rays. Exposure to radiation can impair sperm production. It can take several years for sperm production to return to normal. With high doses of radiation, sperm production can be permanently impaired.
  • Cancer and its treatment. Both radiation and chemotherapy treatment for cancer can impair sperm production. The closer radiation treatment is to the testicles, the higher the risk of infertility.

Risk factors

A number of risk factors are linked to male infertility. They include:

  • Age. Men older than 35 may have a gradual decline in fertility.
  • Tobacco smoking. Fertility may improve when you quit smoking.
  • Alcohol use. Heavy alcohol use can lower testosterone levels, cause erectile dysfunction and decrease sperm production.
  • Being overweight — or too thin. Being at an unhealthy weight can reduce sperm count.
  • Celiac disease. A digestive disorder caused by a sensitivity to gluten, untreated celiac disease can cause male infertility. Fertility may improve after adopting a gluten-free diet.
  • Prostate infections. Past prostate or other genital infections such as mumps or a sexually transmitted disease can affect fertility.
  • Exposure to toxins. Examples include heavy metals, industrial chemicals and radioactivity.
  • Exposure to certain drugs and medications. Examples include cancer medications and anabolic steroids.
  • High temperatures. Exposing the testicles to high temperatures — such as a hot tub or sauna — can temporarily reduce fertility.
  • Previous vasectomy. Some men who've had a vasectomy reversed remain infertile.

When to seek medical advice

In general, don't be too concerned about infertility unless you and your partner have been trying to conceive for at least one year. If you're a man with a known low sperm count or a history of testicular, prostate or sexual problems, consider seeking help earlier.

Tests and diagnosis

If you and your partner are unable to become pregnant within a reasonable time, see your doctor. Some infertile couples have more than one cause of their infertility. Your doctor will usually begin a comprehensive infertility examination on both you and your partner.

In some cases, the cause of your infertility may be unclear, or it may take a number of tests to determine the cause. Infertility tests can be expensive and may not be covered by insurance — find out what your medical plan covers ahead of time.

For a man to be fertile, the testicles must produce enough healthy sperm, and the sperm must be ejaculated effectively into the woman's vagina. Tests for male infertility attempt to determine whether any of these processes are impaired.

  • General physical examination and medical history. This includes examination of your genitals and questions about illnesses, disabilities and surgeries that could affect fertility. Your doctor will want to know what medications you take and your sexual habits. Your doctor may also ask about your sexual development as a boy and whether you've had any signs of low testosterone, such as decreased body or facial hair.
  • Semen analysis. This is the most important test for the male partner. Semen is generally obtained by masturbating or by interrupting intercourse and ejaculating your semen into a clean container. A laboratory analyzes the physical characteristics of your semen, the number of sperm present and looks for any abnormalities in the shape and structure (morphology) and movement (motility) of the sperm. The lab will also check your semen for signs of problems, such as infections or blood. Often sperm counts fluctuate from one specimen to the next, so your doctor may want to evaluate a few different samples. If your sperm analysis is normal, your doctor will likely recommend thorough testing of your female partner before conducting further male infertility tests.

Depending on initial findings, your doctor may recommend additional, more specialized tests that can help identify the cause of your infertility. These can include:

  • Scrotal ultrasound. Ultrasound, which uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of structures within your body, can help your doctor look for evidence of a varicocele or obstruction of the epididymis.
  • Hormone testing. Hormones produced by the pituitary and hypothalamus glands and the testicles play a key role in sexual development and sperm production. Your doctor may recommend a blood test to determine the level of testosterone and other male hormones that affect fertility. A number of infertility problems can be caused by an underlying condition that affects hormone levels.
  • Genetic tests. These tests are used if your doctor suspects your fertility problems could be caused by an inherited sex chromosome abnormality. When sperm concentration is extremely low, genetic causes could be involved. A blood test can reveal whether there are subtle changes in the Y chromosome.
  • Testicular biopsy. This test involves removing samples from the testicle with a needle. It may be used if your semen analysis shows no sperm at all. The results of the testicular biopsy will tell if sperm production is normal. If it is, your problem is likely caused by blockage or another problem with sperm transport.
  • Anti-sperm antibody tests. These tests are used to check for immune cells (antibodies) that attack sperm and can affect their ability to function. You are especially likely to have anti-sperm antibodies if you've had vasectomy reversal.
  • Vasography. In some cases, contrast dye is injected into each vas deferens to see whether they are blocked.
  • Specialized sperm function tests. A number of different tests can be used to evaluate how well your sperm survive after ejaculation, how well they can penetrate the egg membrane, and whether there's any problem attaching to the egg.

Treatments and drugs

Treatment of male infertility depends on the cause, how long you've been infertile, your age, and personal preferences. In all cases of infertility, the female partner also will need to be evaluated and may need treatment. In some cases, treatment of the female partner can compensate for male fertility problems. Your doctor may try to improve your fertility by either correcting an underlying problem (if one is found) or trying treatments that seem like they may be helpful. Sometimes an exact cause for fertility can't be identified. But, even if an exact cause isn't clear, your doctor may be able to recommend treatments that work.

Treatments for male infertility include:

  • Surgery. For example, a varicocele can often be surgically corrected, increasing fertility, or an obstructed vas deferens can be repaired.
  • Treatments for sexual problems. Treating conditions such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation can improve fertility. Approaches can include medication or counseling.
  • Hormone issues. In cases where infertility can be caused by too much or too little of certain hormones, or problems with the way the body uses hormones, your doctor may recommend treatment with hormones or medications that change hormone levels.
  • Assisted reproductive technology (ART). For blockage of the vas deferens, retrograde ejaculation, or other problems with sperm delivery, sperm can be taken directly from the testicles or recovered from the bladder and injected into an egg. The most effective ART treatment is in vitro fertilization (IVF). This procedure involves surgically removing an egg from a woman's ovaries, combining it with sperm in the lab, and then placing the fertilized egg into the uterus.

When treatment doesn't work
Sometimes male infertility problems cannot be treated at all, and it's impossible for a man to father a child. If this is the case, your doctor may suggest that you and your partner consider either using sperm from a donor or adopting a child.


Many types of male infertility aren't preventable. However, there are a few things that you can avoid that are known causes of male infertility:

  • Don't have a vasectomy. If there's any possibility you'll want to father a child in the future, opt for other forms of birth control. Even if reversed, a vasectomy may still affect fertility.
  • Avoid illicit drugs. Use of anabolic steroids, marijuana and cocaine can impair sperm production.
  • Don't drink too much alcohol. Heavy drinking can impair fertility and sexual function. Drink no more than two drinks a day.
  • If you smoke tobacco, quit. Smoking is linked to impaired fertility.
  • Avoid exposure to heat. Steer clear of extended or regular use of hot tubs, saunas and steam baths. High temperatures are thought to temporarily impair sperm production.

Lifestyle and home remedies

There are a few steps you can take at home to increase your chances of achieving pregnancy:

  • Increase frequency of intercourse. Having intercourse two to three times a week may improve fertility. However, ejaculating more than a few times a week can reduce fertility. Sperm survive in the female reproductive tract for up to 72 hours, and an egg can be fertilized for up to 24 hours after ovulation.
  • Have intercourse when fertilization is possible. A woman can only become pregnant during ovulation — which occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, between periods. Experts generally recommend having intercourse every two days near the time of ovulation. This will ensure that sperm, which can live several days, are present when conception is possible.
  • Avoid the use of lubricants. Products such as Astroglide or K-Y jelly, lotions, and saliva have been shown to impair sperm motility. If lubrication is needed, use a minimal amount of vegetable oil, which is less likely to impair sperm motility.

Coping and support

Coping with infertility can be difficult. It's an issue of the unknown — you can't predict how long it will last or what the outcome will be. Infertility isn't necessarily solved with hard work. The emotional burden on a couple is considerable, and plans for coping can help.

Planning for emotional turmoil

  • Set limits. Decide in advance how many and what kind of procedures are emotionally and financially acceptable for you and your partner and attempt to determine a final limit. Fertility treatments can be expensive and often not covered by insurance, and a successful pregnancy often depends on repeated attempts. Some couples become so focused on treatment that they continue with fertility procedures until they are emotionally and financially drained.
  • Consider other options. Determine alternatives — adoption, donor sperm or egg, or even having no children — as early as possible in the fertility process. This can reduce anxiety during treatments and feelings of hopelessness if conception doesn't occur.
  • Talk about your feelings. Locate support groups or counseling services for help before and after treatment to help endure the process and ease the grief should treatment fail.

Managing emotional stress during treatment

  • Acupuncture. This ancient therapy may benefit some couples who are undergoing fertility treatment. Although it's not clear exactly how acupuncture may improve fertility, it's thought that acupuncture reduces stress.
  • Practice relaxation. Cognitive behavioral therapy, which uses methods that include relaxation training and stress management, has been associated with higher pregnancy rates.
  • Express yourself. Reach out to others rather than repressing guilt or anger.
  • Stay in touch with loved ones. Talking to your partner, family and friends can be very beneficial. The best support often comes from loved ones and those closest to you.
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By Mayo Clinic Staff
June 14, 2008

Paracetamol plus ibuprofen for the treatment of fever in children (PITCH): randomised controlled trial

Alastair D Hay, consultant senior lecturer in primary health care1, Céire Costelloe, trial coordinator1, Niamh M Redmond, trial coordinator1, Alan A Montgomery, senior lecturer in primary care research1, Margaret Fletcher, reader in children’s nursing2, Sandra Hollinghurst, senior lecturer in health economics1, Tim J Peters, professor of primary care health services research1

1 Academic Unit of Primary Health Care, NIHR National School for Primary Care Research, Department of Community Based Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 2AA, 2 Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of West England, Bristol

Correspondence to: A D Hay


Objective To investigate whether paracetamol (acetaminophen) plus ibuprofen are superior to either drug alone for increasing time without fever and the relief of fever associated discomfort in febrile children managed at home.

Design Individually randomised, blinded, three arm trial.

Setting Primary care and households in England.

Participants Children aged between 6 months and 6 years with axillary temperatures of at least 37.8°C and up to 41.0°C.

Intervention Advice on physical measures to reduce temperature and the provision of, and advice to give, paracetamol plus ibuprofen, paracetamol alone, or ibuprofen alone.

Main outcome measures Primary outcomes were the time without fever (<37.2°c)> dose was given and the proportion of children reported as being normal on the discomfort scale at 48 hours. Secondary outcomes were time to first occurrence of normal temperature (fever clearance), time without fever over 24 hours, fever associated symptoms, and adverse effects.

Results On an intention to treat basis, paracetamol plus ibuprofen were superior to paracetamol for less time with fever in the first four hours (adjusted difference 55 minutes, 95% confidence interval 33 to 77; P<0.001)> ibuprofen (16 minutes, –7 to 39; P=0.2). For less time with fever over 24 hours, paracetamol plus ibuprofen were superior to paracetamol (4.4 hours, 2.4 to 6.3; P<0.001)> (2.5 hours, 0.6 to 4.4; P=0.008). Combined therapy cleared fever 23 minutes (2 to 45; P=0.025) faster than paracetamol alone but no faster than ibuprofen alone (–3 minutes, 18 to –24; P=0.8). No benefit was found for discomfort or other symptoms, although power was low for these outcomes. Adverse effects did not differ between groups.

Conclusion Parents, nurses, pharmacists, and doctors wanting to use medicines to supplement physical measures to maximise the time that children spend without fever should use ibuprofen first and consider the relative benefits and risks of using paracetamol plus ibuprofen over 24 hours.

Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN26362730 [] .


Fever is a normal part of childhood illness, affecting around 70% of preschool children yearly.1 It can be miserable for the child, cause anxiety for parents,2 and be expensive for health services. Up to 40% of preschool children see a health professional for a febrile illness each year.1 Although fever is considered by many to be an advantageous evolutionary byproduct of the host response to infection, and as such should not be treated,3 the use of antipyretics is widespread. The reasons for treating fever are contested and not necessarily evidence based but include minimising discomfort, controlling the fever, and preventing febrile convulsions.

Options for treating fever include physical measures (taking cool fluids and dressing lightly) and the antipyretic drugs paracetamol (acetaminophen) and ibuprofen. Evidence for physical measures is now redundant as it mostly pertains to tepid sponging,4 which is no longer recommended.5 Paracetamol and ibuprofen have both been shown to be superior to placebo6 7 8 and ibuprofen superior to paracetamol9 for the relief of fever. Given that the drugs have different mechanisms of action10 it is possible that they are more effective together than when used alone, but the evidence to date is sparse and conflicting. Five published trials11 12 13 14 15 mostly tested the effects of single doses at selected time points (which can arbitrarily advantage one drug because of the difference in times to maximum effect16), were largely done in secondary care, and reached conflicting conclusions. Recently published UK guidelines5 advise the use of either drug (no preference stated) for children with fever who are unwell or distressed and state that owing to the lack of evidence the drugs should not be used together or alternately.

We carried out a community based, three arm, blinded, randomised controlled trial to investigate the relative clinical effectiveness of multiple doses (as used for most episodes of fever) of paracetamol plus ibuprofen compared with either drug alone. Our investigation into the relative cost effectiveness is reported in an accompanying paper.17


We recruited and followed up children between January 2005 and May 2007 using three strategies: local, remote, and community. We invited all NHS organisations providing primary care services in Bristol to assist with recruitment to the trial, including NHS Direct, the walk-in centres, all general practices, the general practitioner out of hours cooperatives, and the emergency department of the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.

During local recruitment the NHS sites invited parents of appropriately aged children to discuss the study with our research nurses, who were present in the waiting rooms. In the remote strategy, clinicians faxed the details of potentially eligible children to the trial administrator, who notified the research nurses. In the community strategy, parents were invited to contact the trial directly by telephone. The telephone number was promoted during local and remote recruitment and in local newspaper and radio advertisements. When parents made contact, the trial administrator notified the research nurses of potentially eligible children.

Once aware of potentially eligible children identified through any of the recruitment strategies, research nurses contacted parents by telephone to arrange a meeting (usually at home) to explain the trial fully and to verify eligibility.

We included children if they were aged between 6 months and 6 years and were unwell with a temperature of at least 37.8°C and up to 41.0°C as a result of illnesses that could be managed at home. We excluded children if they required hospital admission; were clinically dehydrated; had recently participated in another trial; had previously participated in PITCH; had a known intolerance, allergy, or contraindication to a trial drug18; had a chronic neurological, cardiac, pulmonary (except asthma), liver, or renal disease; or had parents who could not read or write in English. We followed up children at 24 and 48 hours and at day 5.

After written informed consent had been obtained and the baseline questionnaire completed, the research nurse telephoned a remote, automated randomisation service. Allocation to one of three trial arms (paracetamol plus ibuprofen, paracetamol alone, ibuprofen alone) was minimised19 by age (6-17 months v 18-71 months), severity of fever (37.8°C to 38.9°C v 39.0°C to 41.0°C), discomfort scale ("normal" or "not quite normal" v "some distress" or "very distressed"), previous duration of fever (≤24 hours v >24 hours), and current antibiotic use (yes v no).

Parents were given standardised verbal and written advice on the appropriate use of loose clothing and encouraging children to take cool fluids. The intervention was the provision of, and advice to give, the study drugs for up to 48 hours: paracetamol every 4-6 hours (maximum of four doses in 24 hours) and ibuprofen every 6-8 hours (maximum of three doses in 24 hours). Parents, research nurses, and investigators were blinded to treatment allocation by the use of identically matched placebo drugs. All parents received two medicine bottles; either both active or one containing the active drug and the other placebo. Given the differences in dosing, the parents were aware of which was paracetamol/placebo and which was ibuprofen/placebo. All liquid suspensions were sugar-free and supplied in licensed containers with child resistant caps. The dose of drug was determined by the child’s weight: paracetamol 15 mg/kg per dose and ibuprofen 10 mg/kg per dose. At the baseline visit and before randomisation the research nurse weighed the child, undressed to one layer, using scales approved for use in children (Seca, UK). Randomisation was abandoned if weight could not be established and administration of the study drug was deemed unsafe. The research nurse initially calculated the volume of suspension per dose (to the nearest 0.5 ml), which was confirmed during randomisation. The bottles of active drug contained the standard concentrations: 120 mg of paracetamol per 5 ml and 100 mg of ibuprofen per 5 ml.

The first doses were given in the presence of the research nurse and were timed to coincide with the child’s next due dose of drug—that is, at least four hours after the last dose of paracetamol and six hours after that of ibuprofen, and were never such that the maximum number of doses over a 24 hour period was exceeded. The order in which the first drug was given was determined randomly. We recorded the time that the drug was swallowed and designated that as time zero. The first four hours, after children were observed to be given the drugs and before any further drug was given, was regarded as the "efficacy period." We asked the parents to give the drugs regularly from four to 24 hours ("proactive period"). Figure 1Go describes the intervention period for the first 24 hours. We asked parents to give the drugs between 24 and 48 hours in response to their child’s symptoms ("reactive period"). At 48 hours we retrieved the study drugs and advised the parents to use over the counter preparations as required until day 5.

Figure 1
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Fig 1 Use of study drugs during first 24 hours. Shaded areas represent time that drug was to be given

We timed all outcomes in relation to the administration of the first drug doses. The primary outcomes were the number of minutes without fever (<37.2°c)> proportion of children reported as being normal on the discomfort scale at 48 hours. Secondary outcomes were collected at three time points. In the first 24 hours we recorded the time to temperature first falling below 37.2°C (fever clearance), the time spent without fever over 24 hours, and the proportion of children without fever associated symptoms: discomfort, reduced activity, reduced appetite, and disturbed sleep. At 48 hours and day 5 we obtained data on fever associated symptoms and temperature measured by parents. At all time points we asked parents about adverse effects.

We measured time without fever using a technique similar to that in a previous study.20 Using a data logger (OM-CP-RTDTEMP110; Omega Engineering, Stamford, CT) connected to an axillary temperature probe, we measured and recorded temperature every 30 seconds. Parents were asked to help their child keep the logger on for 24 hours. With support from research nurses the parents completed symptom diaries on discomfort, sleep, appetite, and activity using ordered categorical scales. Parents were asked to enter the value best representing their child’s state at the time of recording or in the previous 10 minutes. They also recorded adverse effects (defined as new symptoms or worsening of pre-existing symptoms21) and temperature, which they measured with a standard digital axillary thermometer.

Sample size
In the original protocol the target difference for the time spent without fever in the first four hours was 30 minutes (with an estimated standard deviation of 80 minutes20) and that for the binary outcome of being rated normal on the discomfort scale at 48 hours was 60% compared with 75% (equivalent to an odds ratio of 2.0). To detect the latter comparison with 90% power and a two sided {alpha} of 0.027 (allowing for multiple comparisons between the combined therapy group and each of the two single therapy groups22) we required a total sample size of 747 children. Difficulties with recruitment led to the addition of the remote and community methods and a reduced achievable sample size. For time without fever we estimated a revised standard deviation of 50 minutes on the basis of the first 50 children (independent of allocation group). Along with a revised 80% power, we determined that a total sample size of 180 would allow the detection of the original target difference of 30 minutes. Sensitivity to differences in discomfort was, however, reduced, with odds ratios of only 4 or more being detectable.

Statistical analyses
We obtained descriptive statistics to characterise children, assess baseline comparability, and compare side effects. Comparative analyses were done in Stata 9 on an intention to treat basis using linear or logistic regression and adjusting for minimisation variables. Primary comparisons were between paracetamol plus ibuprofen and either drug alone, and secondary comparisons were between paracetamol and ibuprofen, using Dunnett’s and Tukey’s adjustments, respectively, for multiple comparisons.22 For all "time without fever" analyses we regarded as valid only biologically plausible temperatures of more than 33°C and less than 45°C. In regression models we used the proportion of valid time under the fever threshold (with results converted into minutes or hours for presentational purposes) and we weighted these according to the amount of valid data. Secondary analyses included additional adjustment for factors showing possible imbalance at baseline and preplanned exploratory analyses for differential effects of paracetamol plus ibuprofen compared with paracetamol alone or ibuprofen alone for baseline age, temperature, discomfort, antibiotic use, and presence of otitis media. We selected otitis media because affected children might experience enhanced effects for both fever and pain.


Thirty five primary care sites in Bristol agreed to take part in the trial: NHS Direct, one walk-in centre, 30 general practices, two general practitioner out of hours cooperatives, and the emergency department of the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. Figure 2Go shows the numbers of children recruited through the three different methods. Overall, 4515 contacts were made, of which 3477 children were ineligible, most commonly (89%) because of insufficient fever. The remaining 1038 children were potentially eligible, but the temperature criterion before randomisation could not be verified in 882 because the parents did not want to commit to the study or had concerns about the drugs (669 declined) or the parents saw a clinician but left without contacting the study team (213 missed). No parent declined at randomisation, and attrition was minimal. Deviations from the protocol occurred; in the first 24 hours (23 hours and 40 minutes), 13 (7) children received an erroneous fifth dose of paracetamol and similarly 18 (13) children an erroneous fourth dose of ibuprofen. In four children, clinicians and parents but not research staff were unblinded to treatment allocation.

Figure 2
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Fig 2 Participant flow through trial

Descriptive results
The groups were comparable at baseline, although potentially influential differences existed for sex, method of recruitment, and activity (table 1Go). Since additional adjustment for these variables had negligible effects in all analyses only minimisation variables were adjusted for in the comparative analyses. Nearly all the children were unwell, with more than 90% experiencing discomfort, reduced activity, abnormal appetite, or abnormal sleep (table 1Go).

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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of children with fever randomised to three treatment groups. Values are numbers (percentages) of children unless stated otherwise

The median time between randomisation and giving the first dose of study drug was eight minutes for paracetamol plus ibuprofen and nine minutes for paracetamol and for ibuprofen. The mean number of valid minutes for time without fever (temperature >33°C and <45°c)> minutes) was 219 for children receiving paracetamol, 211 for ibuprofen, and 202 for paracetamol plus ibuprofen. The respective times over 24 hours (1440 minutes) were 1078, 1029, and 1051 minutes. For time without fever in the first four valid hours (and the corresponding secondary outcome within 24 valid hours), children receiving paracetamol plus ibuprofen spent more time without fever than those given ibuprofen and, in turn, those given paracetamol (table 2Go). Fever clearance was faster in children given paracetamol plus ibuprofen than in those given paracetamol but was similar for those given ibuprofen. Children given paracetamol plus ibuprofen spent less time with fever over 24 hours than those given either drug alone. A suggestion was that more fever associated symptoms had normalised in children given ibuprofen than the other treatments at 24 and 48 hours, but by day 5 these trends had largely disappeared.

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Table 2 Descriptive statistics of outcomes (time without fever and no discomfort) at selected times. Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise

Comparative analyses
Primary outcomes
Strong evidence was found of more time spent without fever in the first four hours among children given paracetamol plus ibuprofen than those given paracetamol, and likewise for children given ibuprofen than those given paracetamol (table 3Go). Moreover, both point estimates exceeded the 30 minute target difference, as did the lower confidence limit for the primary comparison. The confidence interval and P value suggest little difference between giving paracetamol plus ibuprofen and giving ibuprofen alone.

The low power for fever associated discomfort at 48 hours was reflected by the large P values and wide confidence intervals for all three comparisons, although the largest point estimate and upper confidence limit favoured ibuprofen over paracetamol. The lowest P value from subgroup analyses for the primary outcomes was 0.14.

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Table 3 Regression models for time without fever over first four hours (240 minutes) and no discomfort at 48 hours, adjusting for minimisation

Secondary outcomes
The comparison of fever clearance was consistent with the primary outcome for time without fever: strong evidence suggested that paracetamol plus ibuprofen had a faster effect than paracetamol alone, and ibuprofen alone had a faster effect than paracetamol alone (table 4Go). Giving paracetamol plus ibuprofen over 24 hours increased time without fever by 4.4 hours compared with paracetamol and by 2.5 hours compared with ibuprofen.

No consistent evidence of effect for fever associated symptoms from 24 hours to day 5 was seen, but odds ratios tended to favour ibuprofen more than the other treatments at 24 and 48 hours (data not shown).

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Table 4 Regression models for time without fever up to 24 hours, adjusting for minimisation

Mean temperature by treatment group
Figure 3Go shows the mean temperature every 15 minutes by treatment group with the proportion of children febrile at corresponding two hourly time points. Ibuprofen and paracetamol plus ibuprofen reduced children’s temperatures faster and for longer than paracetamol in the first four hours, and paracetamol plus ibuprofen was superior to either drug alone in reducing mean temperatures over 24 hours. A rise in mean temperature was seen for children in the ibuprofen group, which then fell just after six hours, coinciding with the earliest time that parents were advised that a second dose of ibuprofen could be given. This rise may have been prevented in the other groups by paracetamol, which could have been given at four hours.

The mean temperatures in the graph are lower than might be expected biologically. This could be explained by the choice of axillary thermometry, which is known to record temperatures around 0.8°C lower than rectal digital thermometers,23 or by the liberal definition of valid temperature used in this study, or both. A sensitivity analysis excluding temperatures below 35°C raised the mean temperatures but not the relative positions of the group means.

Figure 3
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Fig 3 Mean temperature over first 24 hours after randomisation, by treatment group. *All children had temperatures greater than 37.2°C at baseline eligibility assessment, as measured by standard digital axillary thermometry. Temperature measured using a data logger was less than 37.2°C for 19 children because of delays between digital thermometry measure and drug dosing and differences between digital and data logger thermometry methods

Relation between discomfort and temperature
Given the low power for treatment effects on discomfort, a repeated measure analysis was used to explore the relation between all discomfort measures recorded across up to eight time points to 48 hours and their coinciding mean digital axillary thermometer measures. The mean temperatures were 36.4°C for children who scored normal on the discomfort scale, 37.2°C for those who scored not quite normal, 38.1°C for those who scored some pain or distress, and 38.3°C for those who scored crying or very distressed.

Adverse effects
The most common adverse effects were diarrhoea and vomiting, which were equally distributed between groups (table 5Go). The overall number of children experiencing adverse events was, however, too small to make meaningful comparisons between treatments. Five children were admitted to hospital (constituting serious adverse events21): one child in the paracetamol group, three in the ibuprofen group, and one in the paracetamol plus ibuprofen group. On independent review none was considered to be related to the study process or drugs.

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Table 5 Five most common adverse effects. Values are numbers of children

Dosing of study drugs
All 52 children in each of the three groups were given, as per protocol, their first dose of study drug under nurse supervision (table 6Go). The recommended maximum four doses of paracetamol or placebo in the first 24 hours was received by 65% of children given paracetamol, 46% given ibuprofen, and 42% given paracetamol plus ibuprofen, with this recommended maximum exceeded by 12%, 6%, and 8%, respectively. The corresponding percentages receiving the recommended maximum three doses of ibuprofen or placebo in 24 hours were 73%, 75%, and 71% and those exceeding this recommended maximum were 13%, 12%, and 13%. All percentages were much lower at 48 hours.

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Table 6 Number of doses of paracetamol alone or ibuprofen alone over 24 and 48 hours. Values are numbers (percentages) of children

The success of blinding was assessed at the nurse’s visit at 48 hours, when parents were asked to guess treatment allocation. Taking "I don’t know" responses to either drug as failure to guess correctly, allocation was guessed correctly by 16 (31%) parents in the paracetamol group, 17 (33%) in the ibuprofen group, and 9 (17%) in the paracetamol plus ibuprofen group, compared with the 33% expected by chance. Excluding "I don’t know" responses increased these percentages to 50% (32 parents), 53% (n=32), and 43% (n=21), respectively.


In febrile children we found strong evidence of faster time to fever clearance and more prolonged time without fever in the first four hours favouring the use of paracetamol plus ibuprofen and ibuprofen over paracetamol, but no evidence of any difference between paracetamol plus ibuprofen and ibuprofen alone. In the first 24 hours strong evidence suggested more time without fever favouring paracetamol plus ibuprofen over either drug alone. We found no evidence of differences in fever associated discomfort at 48 hours. The frequency of adverse effects did not seem to differ between groups.

Comparison with existing literature
Using continuous thermometry we compared the effects of two antipyretics combined with either drug alone using maximum licensed, repeated doses in children recruited from and managed in the community. Previous studies have recruited from secondary care,11 12 14 15 investigated the effects of single doses,12 14 and did not use continuous thermometry. The finding that ibuprofen was found to be more effective than paracetamol in the first four hours is consistent with the literature.9

Strengths and limitations of the study
The study has four main strengths. Firstly, its internal validity: randomisation was concealed, nurses and investigators were blinded to allocation, and attrition was minimal. Secondly, the intervention and follow-up periods were long enough to enable a fair comparison between multiple doses of antipyretics with differing times to maximum effect.16 Thirdly, we used continuous thermometry to generate the objective and intuitive outcome of time without fever. Finally, we recruited and followed up children in the community, where most cases of fever are managed.

We are aware of five possible weaknesses of the study. Firstly, because we had no placebo only group our data cannot inform the decision on whether to use antipyretics. This was a deliberate design decision as we thought that parents would not have participated if there had been a placebo only group. This judgment is supported by the fact that over 80% of parents in the study said that they would not have participated in such a trial. Three previous trials have, however, shown that paracetamol and ibuprofen given separately are more effective than placebo,6 7 8 and one trial found that paracetamol is more effective at relieving fever than unwrapping children.20

Secondly, the recruited sample did not give sufficient power to detect plausible differences in discomfort. This is disappointing, given the importance of this question to the public and research community. Other research has, however, suggested that the use of two drugs combined compared with one alone does confer additional benefit on symptoms13 and we did find a relation between increasing discomfort and worsening fever, suggesting that with adequate power the effects on symptoms might have followed those of temperature.

Thirdly, an axillary temperature of 37.8°C might not be regarded as denoting fever. Since no agreed definition of fever or how to measure temperature exists,24 to a limited extent its selection was arbitrary. For example, disagreement between thermometer types and measurement sites means this could represent a rectal temperature of as much as 39.7°C.23 Temperature is such a dynamic variable that although many children did not meet our criterion for temperature before randomisation, most were already being treated for a febrile illness and their parents and doctors thought that treatment with up to two drugs was warranted. The mean temperature at baseline was 38.5°C (table 1Go), a temperature at which 90% of doctors and 70% of nurses would recommend treatment,25 and most of the children were unwell with febrile illness as it affected their comfort, appetite, activity, and sleep.

Fourthly, the success of blinding was assessed at the 48 hour nurse visit by asking parents to guess which drugs were active. Overall, the 153 parents who responded were not able to guess treatment, but the 83 who expressed a definite opinion did identify allocation more often than would be expected by chance. Although we carried out blinded taste tests and volunteers could not distinguish placebo from active drugs, some parents may have been better able to do so because they had more time to compare study drugs with known products in the home as well as observing their children’s responses to treatment. Although this could have influenced the parental recording of the discomfort outcome, we do not see how it could influence the outcome of time without fever.

Finally, given the challenges of recruitment, our sample might not be representative of the general population. For example, we do not know if the possibility of receiving either or both drugs combined and the severity of the child’s illness influenced parents’ decisions to participate. If this was the case, we think these factors are more likely to be associated with differences in parental attitudes to illness than the children’s response to the drugs. The most common reason for ineligibility was insufficient fever, a factor we think is unlikely to be associated with any other physiological marker of response to drugs.

Implications of this research
It is good practice for parents, nurses, and doctors who have made the decision to treat young, unwell children with fever, to use the minimum number of drugs possible.5 Although other studies have shown that paracetamol is superior to placebo,6 7 8 our study suggests that those wanting to achieve faster and more prolonged fever relief in the first four hours should use ibuprofen in preference to paracetamol. Similarly, where symptoms are expected to last at least 24 hours (probably most children with more severe symptoms at the onset of illness), those wanting to maximise the time without fever should probably start with ibuprofen but also consider paracetamol plus ibuprofen. Pragmatically, although our trial design did not specifically address this, we speculate that if a child remains unwell after a first dose of ibuprofen, subsequent alternation of paracetamol and ibuprofen for 24 hours would be more effective than either drug alone. This speculation is supported by a recent study showing that paracetamol was more effective than placebo when added to ibuprofen.14 The decision to start with ibuprofen or paracetamol plus ibuprofen, however, should also be influenced by an assessment of the benefits (an additional 2.5 hours without fever) compared with the risk of unintentionally exceeding the maximum recommended dose owing to the additional complexity of using two drugs. This risk is not theoretical. Even in the context of this supervised trial, between 6% and 13% of parents exceeded the maximum number of recommended doses in the first 24 hours.

The pragmatism of the intervention changed with time, moving from efficacy in the first four hours to effectiveness in the second 24 hours. By 48 hours, considerably fewer study drugs were being given and this could partly explain the observed lack of effects on discomfort at this time. In the community, paracetamol and ibuprofen are usually dosed by age, and we recognise that calculating doses by weight means the results may inform primary and secondary care practice more than practice at home. We decided against a dose by age regimen, however, for two reasons. Firstly, given the recommendation of the children’s national service framework to dose by weight26 and the dose by weight presentations in the British national formulary for children,18 we believe that in the future more medicines for children will be given by weight. Secondly, we wanted to ensure that heavier children for their age received a therapeutic dose and to avoid exceeding the normal recommended dose for children who were light for their age. Comparing dose by weight with dose by age shows that children can receive as much as 50% more27 or 50% less paracetamol and 100% more ibuprofen.

Medicine bottles in the United States contain dosing advice by both age and weight and although healthcare professionals can clearly calculate dose by weight, we think two steps are needed before parents can routinely use weight to determine dose in other countries. Firstly, studies should investigate the safety implications of any differences between estimates of children’s weights measured by parents using domestic scales (or recently recorded weights in parent held children’s health records) and those measured by professionals using paediatric scales. Secondly, suppliers of antipyretics could consider routinely including dose by weight tables. Given that the complexity of using two drugs over a 24 hour period is more likely to lead to inadvertently exceeding the maximum recommended dose, we also believe that multiple blank charts should be supplied for parents to record when medicines have been given and how much.

Recent case reports have highlighted the concern about renal toxicity in dehydrated children given ibuprofen.28 29 Although this serious effect is rare, we excluded children with dehydration from our trial and believe that ibuprofen should not routinely be given to children with, or at risk of, dehydration. Good evidence shows, however, that ibuprofen is as safe as paracetamol for children with asthma, where there is no evidence of sensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.30

We agree with the guidelines for fever from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) that antipyretics should be used only when children have fever associated with other symptoms,5 although further research is needed to establish the effectiveness of antipyretics for the relief of these symptoms. However, we believe that the guidance on the use of two drugs combined need not be so cautious now that there is good evidence of superiority for both drugs over one drug for increasing time without fever over 24 hours.

Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and parents wanting to use medicines to treat young, unwell children with fever should be advised to use ibuprofen first and to consider the relative benefits and risks of using paracetamol plus ibuprofen over a 24 hour period. There is no evidence from the accompanying cost effectiveness evaluation to contradict these findings.17

What is already known on this topic
Paracetamol plus ibuprofen are being increasingly used at home and in primary and secondary care for the relief of fever and its associated symptoms
Five previous trials of combined therapy mostly tested single doses for children in secondary care and reached conflicting conclusions

What this study adds

In the first four hours, temperature is reduced faster and for longer in children given ibuprofen than in those given paracetamol
In the first 24 hours, children given both drugs spent 4.4 hours less time with fever than those given paracetamol and 2.5 hours less time with fever than those given ibuprofen.
Parents and healthcare professionals should consider ibuprofen first and the relative benefits and risks of using combined therapy over 24 hours

Cite this as: BMJ 2008;337:a1302

We thank Avon, Gloucestershire, and Wiltshire NHS Direct; the Bristol general practitioner practices; the south Bristol walk-in centre; the emergency department of the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children; the children and parents who participated; the South West Medicines for Children Local Research Network; the research nurse team W Horseman, J Farrimond, R Powell, S Shatford, P Richards; the South West Medicines for Children Local Research Network nurse V Payne; W Patterson (trial coordinator); S Doohan and S Burke (project administrators); K Schroeder, M Weiss, and A Emond (co-applicants); Sara Whitburn (proof and background reading); K Pitcher (data entry and quality); the trial steering committee (AL Kinmonth, C Butler, J Peacock, M Blythe, and P Denyer); and the data monitoring and safety committee (R Bragonier, S Kerry, and J Chudleigh).

Contributors: ADH, AAM, MF, and TJP conceived the study and wrote the protocol. The research nurse team collected the data under the supervision of NMR, CC, and SH. AAM, CC, and TJP cleaned and analysed the data. CC, ADH, and TJP initially drafted the paper, with subsequent contributions from all authors. ADH is the guarantor.

Funding: National Institute for Health Research health technology assessment programme (project No 03/09/01). The final study design, data collection and analysis, interpretation of results, and paper writing was the sole responsibility of the authors. For the duration of the trial, ADH held a postdoctoral award from the National Coordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development, Department of Health. The views and opinions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect those of the funding bodies. The active drugs and placebos were purchased from Pfizer and DHP Investigational Medicinal Products, respectively. Neither had any other role in the design, conduct, analysis, or reporting of the trial.

Competing interests: None declared.

Ethical approval: Bath research ethics committee (reference No 04/Q2001/197).

Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.


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